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UK Visitor Visa

We have dedicated the past decade to helping our clients secure UK Visitor Visa approvals. Using the knowledge and experience we have obtained during this time, we have created a UK Visitor Visa Information Centre to provide you with comprehensive information you need to get started.

We recommend that you bookmark this page, after reading through the information below, to easily find the information page again. Should you want our expert assistance or guidance at any time, call us to speak to one of our UK Visitor Visa Experts and have you case assessed for free. Alternatively, request a call-back at the top of this page, and have one of our experts call you instead.

Before your first consultation, take the time to read through the information below as we address the most frequently asked questions. We hope to be able to demonstrate our expertise in the area even before having a conversation with you. We look forward to helping you with the process of securing a UK Visitor Visa approval.


Applying for a UK Tourist Visa

As the UK’s leading UK Standard Visitor Visa experts, you can enlist our help to give you the best chance of your UK Visitor Visa application being approved first time for a fixed fee. Call us now and we can provide you with a competitive quote. Our service includes:

Working with you to ensure that you submit the best documents possible specific to your circumstances to give you the best chance of approval.

We represent your application at the British Embassy/High Commission as your legal representative with our expert legal cover letter. Our legal cover letter has been used worldwide to ensure that the Entry Clearance Officer understands that we know the rules as well as they do.

It also makes it as difficult for them as possible to find an excuse to justify refusing your visa application. We fully assist you with the online application to make the whole process as simple for you as possible.

What is the duration of a UK tourist visa from India?

A Standard Visitor visa or UK Tourist visa from India is usually issued for a period of 6 months. While academicians on sabbatical who are visiting for research purposes can get a visa valid for up to 11 months, people traveling to receive private medical treatment can get a UK visitor visa for up to 12 months.

What is the UK visit visa?

The UK visitor visa which is also known as the Standard Visitor Visa is a UK short stay visa that allows its holder to stay in the UK for up to 6 months. However, the embassy has the right to issue visas for a shorter period of time. This visa is established for those that wish to travel to the United Kingdom for purposes of: Tourism. To visit family members. Medical treatment. For professional reasons.

How Long Does it Take for a UK Standard Visitor Visa Application to Process?

The decision on your UK visitor visa is taken in 8 weeks if you apply by post. However, the decision is made on the day you apply if you use the premium service. A longer period may apply for taking a decision if further documentation is required.

UK tourist visa fee?

It costs £89 to apply for a UK Tourist Visa. However for private medical treatment given for 6 up to 11 months and for an academic to do research for up to 1 year the fee is £179. While for a long-term visa for 2 years is £337, £612 for 5 years and £767 for 10 years. To apply for an extension it costs £993 for an application through the post and £1,583 for an application in person.